For the butterflies and bees;
For the flowers and the trees;
For the birds that come in spring;
Thank you, God, for everything!
This week’s Bible truth is the resurrection of our Lord and Savior – Jesus Christ! Jesus was a real man who lived around 200 years ago. He also was true God. He was crucified on a real Friday and rose from the dead on the very 1st Easter Sunday! Jesus has conquered death for us and because of this we too will one day live in heaven as our permanent home. Jesus is risen. He is risen indeed!
2019-2020 ENROLLMENT
Enrollment is now open! Register Online
Early registration discounts will be offered until May 1st, 2019.
The discounts for registering early are:
Twosday Tuesday – $60.00
Preschool 3’s & 4’s – $80.00
Jr. Kindergarten – $100.00
Registration Fee after May 1st, 2019:
Twosday Tuesday – $75.00
Preschool 3’s & 4’s – $100.00
Jr. Kindergarten – $125.00
Tuition prices for next year are:
Twosday Tuesday – $585.00 for year or $65.00/month for 9 months
Pre 3’s – $1,305.00 for year or $145.00/month
Pre 4’s – $1,935.00 for year or $215.00/month
Jr. Kind. – $3,375.00 for year or $375.00/month
Jr. Kind. Class will run from 8:30am-12:00 noon. We hope to announce who our Jr. Kindergarten teacher will be the first week of May.
The early registration discounts will be offered until May 1.
Twosday Tuesday reg. fee is $60.00
Preschool 1 & 2 reg. fee is $80.00
Jr. Kindergarten reg. fee is $100.00
Our preschool is having its annual flower plant sale now – Friday, May 3. Plants will be available for pick-up on Thursday, May 9th. All the plants are being sold for $5.00. We are offering wave petunias, geraniums, and colabrachia flowers. All funds raised from this will go to benefit the costs of starting the Jr. Kindergarten program next fall.
Concordia Christian Academy is host a spring carnival, Saturday, April 27 from 5:00 pm – 7:30 pm. Admission is free and this event is open to everyone. Bring your children for a great time.
The address is: 202 E. 56th St. – it is right across the street from us.
This year our church will be hosting Vacation Bible School (VBS) July 22-26 from 9:00 am – 12:00 noon. VBS is free for children aged 3-10 years old. We will have registration information ready in May.
This year, our school will be offering 6 individual weeks of summer camp options. The camp dates are: June11-12, 18-19, July 9-10, 16-17, 30-31, & August 6-7. Summer Camp brochures with themes and prices listed are now available. If you would like brochures or have questions about this program, please just ask. Thank you.
Serving our Savior, Bonnie Jean Huset
Copyright© 2024 | The Good Shepherd's Little Lambs Preschool 140 East 56th Street, Tacoma, WA 98404
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